This voucher is the perfect gift for friends, relatives and collegues. It gives them the possibility to chose their favourite postcards. Of course you can also use it to say „thank you“ to someone or just to make someone happy.
This voucher must be used in one time. It doesn‘t cover shipping costs.
Available until: Date of mailing of the card by Email +24 Month
You can add a personal text to this gift certificate. You can chose whether the shop should send it via email to the recipient or whether you want to print it on paper by yourself and give it to the addressee. Therefore you have to fill out all the fields beneath "Product Costumization". You need to save your settings before you put the gift certificate into your cart.
Official Partner of the Viewcard Publisher Schöning
Happy Postcard is the official Postcrossing partner of the Publisher Schöning. In our shop you can buy all the viewcards published by Schöning. You can't find the card, you want? No problem, you can order it via our
So you have always the perfect postcard for Postcrossing.
You don't know Postcrossing yet?
Postcrossing is a worldwide popular project with postcards. It has never been easier to mail and get postcards from all over the world. In our online store you can find the most wanted postcards for postcrossing.
Get more information about postscossing
Easter cards
Soon easter is coming and it is time to think about your family and friends and send them easter greetings. Here you can find new easter cards by Tausendschoen, Inge Löök, Pettersson, Mila Marquis and many others